Puzzles are having a moment. Spending more time at home has us all looking for ways to occupy our minds and relieve stress - add significant bonus points if you can achieve both of those things sans technology. And there's not a whole lot more satisfying than finding that final puzzle piece and completing your masterpiece.
But if you're not keen to tear it all apart and box it back up after hours of blood, sweat, and tears - we've got a special you'll like. Our Custom Framing will offer you a chance to not only enhance your home or office with this personalized piece, it commemorates and celebrates your hard work.
First things first - you need to complete the puzzle! Make sure you're working on a firm, even surface, as to get it frame-ready, you'll need to do a few things once it's complete.
Now comes the fun part. To get your puzzle frame-ready, you may want to glue it so it's easier to transport, at least attached to your working board-- because it would be a shame to waste all your hard work and time.
We will help you create the framing designed for your taste and preserve your puzzle artwork with a frame designed just for you.
The first step is to bring the puzzle to us.
Acrylic vs. Glass >>>>
We offer both glass and acrylic for all of your framing needs. Some of our customers prefer one over the other and we believe there is a time and place for both options. Glass is less likely to scratch, but acrylic won’t break as easily. We advise acrylic for pieces in kid’s room, high traffic areas, or to keep the weight down on larger pieces. It is also beneficial when art needs to be shipped or will be carried to different events, etc. Otherwise the new and improved varieties of glass we carry are great options.
Protect Your Investment >>>
Conservation grade glass helps to protect your art, but it also helps to maintain the integrity of the frame designs you purchase. When you spend just a few dollars more to purchase conservation glass, it helps protect your mat borders from fading. Without the protective properties of conservation glazing, damaging light rays can quickly cause both your art and mats to fade. When this occurs, your entire frame design could lose its visual appeal.
Dry Mounting >>>>
Nearly everything we frame needs to be mounted in some fashion. Dry mounting, used mostly for reproduction pieces, will adhere regular prints and posters to rigid backings so they will look their best in the frame for years to come. This process keeps your art flat. Without it, your art can become wavy or ripple under the glass, this is caused by changes in temperature or humidity. We will automatically advise you when we feel it is appropriate or necessary.
Bottom-Weighted Mats >>>>
A bottom-weighted mat is one with a wider border below the art than on the top and sides. This classic technique was used when mats originated and it is still used today. We strongly suggest bottom-weighted mats on works of art that look bottom-heavy prior to framing. Examples include pieces that are darker, more heavily textured, or contain larger shapes in the lower half of the art. However, they can also be used on anything to achieve a classic, timeless style.
Elongated Mats >>>>
Elongated mats have wider borders above and below the art compared to the side borders. Elongation helps to dramatize pieces of art that are vertical in shape, contain strong vertical lines, such as tree trunks or picket fences, or have some form of vertical movement, like a person reaching upward or a balloon floating into the sky. Elongation can also help a piece of art relate better to a tall narrow wall space.
Spacers >>>>
The actual depth of a mat is minimal. We can add depth to your mat designs by placing spacers between mat layers. Doing this enhances the depth already existing in a landscape or a still life. Spacers can also add depth to something like an abstract image that doesn’t have its own sense of depth. In fact, spacers can even create enough space to accommodate shallow objects, in lieu of a traditional shadowbox.
Choosing A Frame Color >>>>
Several methods are used when selecting appropriate frame colors, including:
- Match or coordinate a dominant color in the art
- Relate to the color temperature of the art. Red, orange and yellow are warm colors so they coordinate with gold or wood tone frames. Blue, green and purple are cool colors and they relate more to silver or gray frames.
- For historical pieces, we often suggest using the finish color that would have been used originally when the piece was new.
Choosing A Frame Style >>>>
The style of a frame should always flatter the art it surrounds. If the art you want to use isn’t the same style as your room, that’s okay. We can help you choose a frame that will serve as a bridge between the different styles. For example, an ornate frame may work well with abstract art to help it work in a classic space or a fresh look for traditional art can be achieved when paired with a soft contemporary frame style, instantly updating it.
Appropriate Frame Width >>>>
Many people assume that narrow frame mouldings are for small pictures and larger works of art should be paired with wider frame mouldings. That isn’t always the case. Wider frames can benefit smaller pieces of art by calling attention to them. The width of a frame can also be used to relate the framed art to the scale of your room or furnishings – don’t overpower a room with a frame that’s too large for the space or under-power the artwork with too petite a frame.
Classic vs. Trendy >>>>
Quality framing can last a lifetime. Therefore, we generally avoid trendy looking frame designs that could become dated in a short time. When you provide us with information about your room and your style, we can offer design concepts that look up to date and stylish, but will also have staying power well beyond that of any current trend. If you have art that is becoming dated, we can also work with you to update them to be more appropriate for today as well as tomorrow.
Buy Art That You Love >>>>
You should always choose art that you love, not something that happens to have the same color scheme as your room. When you feel emotionally connected to your art, you will be happy to see it each time you pass by. You could even buy art just because it makes you smile. When art means something to you, it is so much more satisfying than pieces you buy simply to fill a space.
Choosing Appropriate Art Sizes >>>>
When you are looking for art, size matters. Keep in mind that mats and framing will add to the size of the artwork, so be sure to allow for it when selecting your art. It isn’t very flattering to the art or your wall when we need to use a narrower frame moulding because there isn’t space for one that is better proportioned to the art. On the flip side, if a framed art piece is too small, it can look totally out of place on a large wall. Base the size of your art on your room size, wall size and nearby furnishings.
Create an Heirloom >>>>
If you are concerned about protecting and preserving your family treasures, consider having them framed. We will provide you with ideas for how to best present each item and we will use all the best materials and techniques to help preserve them. We have a lot of experience framing all kinds of treasures. Stop by to see some of the examples we have and photos of other heirloom pieces we have created for clients. Whether you already know what you want to have framed or are looking for ideas, we’re here to help you!
Frame Your Hero >>>>
Our soldiers and veterans are true heroes. They give unselfishly to protect our country so we can continue to enjoy the lifestyle we have. Whether your hero is an ancestor whose accomplishments you are proud or you have a family member currently serving, bring us a photo of them in uniform or the commendations and awards they earned and we’ll be proud to turn them into beautifully framed works of art. These types of displays remind us how fortunate we are and how much some people sacrifice to serve our country.
Framing Needlework >>>>
After someone spends hours and hours stitching something beautiful, we cringe when we see them shoved into readymade frames that don’t quite fit. We will properly mount the piece so it will lay flat and straight in the frame. First, we will guide you to frame choices that will allow the needlework to truly become the work of art it was intended to be. We will also discuss whether or not you want glass since needlework can be framed with or without glazing. The frame designs we suggest will vary depending on which method you choose but we will do our best to make your special piece stand out.
Frame Depth >>>
Our deeper mouldings are used to create shadowboxes when we are framing objects. However, the same mouldings can provide great solutions when framing art on paper, too. When the art is placed forward in the frame, the added depth projects the art towards you. If the art will hang in a niche or bookcase, a deeper frame helps offset those recesses. We can also recess the art into the deeper frame, adding depth and drama.
Combining Frame Mouldings >>>
For centuries it has been a common practice to combine more than one frame moulding to make a single frame. This technique is called stacking, just like when carpenters stack mouldings when putting finishing touches on a room. Stacking frame mouldings enables us to mix colors or styles to coordinate with your art. This technique also helps us provide you with a frame of a grander scale for a large or special piece.
What is a Fillet? >>>
A fillet is a decorative accessory that can be inserted into the opening of a mat or the lip of a frame. When used with a mat, it is most common to choose a fillet that coordinates with the color and style of the frame. However, when you want to add a fillet inside a frame, contrast is most desirable. Fillets are available in a wide variety of colors, styles, and widths for all of your framing needs. We are always happy to show you our collection.
Framing Quilts/Quilt Squares >>>>
Although a quilt can be hung from a rod directly on the wall, it can look more finished and special in a frame. Framing may also be a safer approach when displaying fragile, antique quilts that have been left weak from use. Some people choose to have individual quilt squares framed so each member of the family has a piece to remember a loved one or ancestor. Quilt squares can look amazing when framed and custom framing is a fantastic way to preserve a true work of art.
Framing Sports Jerseys >>>>
Sporting memorabilia is fun to have on display. Whether your favorite sports star is a professional or in little league, framing a jersey is a great way to remember a winning season or special game. There are various ways we can frame these types of items. Showing the entire jersey looks great, but if you don’t have the space for it, we can also fold it to show a smaller portion. Either way, it will look dynamic and add excitement to a space!
Framing Article of Clothing >>>>
We can frame just about anything, including clothing. Perhaps you have something special that was handed down in your family, like your grandmother’s wedding dress, a christening gown or button up shoes. Maybe it is your own military uniform or a kimono you picked up on a trip. We can even frame a funky t-shirt, a hand-painted scarf or a kitschy neck tie. The point is you may find “art” where you least expect it. We look forward to turning something meaningful to you into art for your walls.
Hanging Groupings >>>>
Groupings of mixed and matched art and frames, or framed art and mirrors are popular today. Unlike a matched set of art that is generally framed the same and hung in a highly structured way, random groups are usually framed to suit each individual piece and arranged more casually. Many people like to lay the pieces out on the floor to see the overall balance before committing to making holes in the wall. You can also cut pieces of paper and tape to the wall to experience the final effect.
Choosing a Mirror Frame >>>>
Since a mirror doesn’t have an inherent style, pretty much anything goes. Our main consideration is to direct you to frames that will support the weight of the mirror. As far as design goes, the frame can blend into your room or become a dramatic accent. Rather than using a single large mirror, we can also frame a series of smaller mirrors you can hang in a grid for added interest.
Why Frame a Mirror >>>>
We are all quite familiar with using mirrors when we are getting ready each day or checking our appearance before heading out the door. Have you considered displaying mirrors for any other reasons? Hanging a framed mirror at the end of a dark hall can reflect light from a room at the other end of the hallway, making the area appear brighter. A framed mirror hung directly across from a window can reflect the view and mimic another window in the space.
Hanging Single Frames >>>>
When hanging a single piece of art, there are some helpful guidelines that will bring the best results. Here are a few tips: When hanging a piece of art over a piece of furniture, don’t space them more than six inches apart. This will help create unity rather than discord. If you are hanging art in a stairway, use removable painter’s tape to mimic the angle of the stairs so frames are at the same angle. Finally, when hanging any art, hang at eye level. Keep in mind that eye level is different when walking down a hall than it is sitting in the dining room.
Hanging Pairs >>>
It is most common to see pairs of framed art hanging side by side, but on tall, narrow walls, they may look best hanging one on top of the other. With two story rooms and vaulted ceilings being so popular, there are plenty of opportunities to go up the wall with art. Pairs can also be hung diagonally in a stairway. Pairs don’t necessarily have to remain together. Split them up with one on either side of a mirror or armoire to add a new dimension to your space.
Hanging Sets >>>
Each piece of a matched set of art is typically framed identically and hung in a structured layout. Of course you can always hang pieces more randomly if that is your style. You can display them with even spacing between each one. A current trend is hanging a row of matching frames side by side across a wall with little or no space between them. When hanging odd number of pieces you can still have structure, such as two frames centered over three frames, again with uniform spacing.
Inspect Your Framed Art >>>>
Just because something has been framed, doesn’t mean it should be forgotten. Pay attention to your framed art to make sure it remains in good condition. The most common problems occur from damaging UV light rays, bugs and moisture or temperature changes. When you see signs of problems, bring your framed piece in so we can provide advice on how to correct the problem and how to stop further damage.
Framed Art Checkups >>>>
When you own framed art or memorabilia that means a lot to you, you will want to make sure it remains in prime condition so it will last as long as possible. You can bring us your pieces and we will be happy to evaluate them for you. If we don’t see any problems, you can take it back home, confident in its great condition. If we see anything of concern, we will advise you on how we would handle the situation and you can decide on what steps you would like to take.
Update Your Framed Art >>>>
As styles come and go, as your taste changes and as you redecorate or move, the framed art you own may not be as appealing as it once was. We are able to work with your existing pieces to freshen them up, salvaging just the art or whichever framing components you might want to keep. Another way to re-use and re-new is to create “art” by framing something you already own. Your own collections and collectibles will look great in custom frames and are a great way to add new and dynamic art to your home!
Liners >>>>
A liner is a border used between the art and frame when mats aren’t appropriate. Paintings on canvas and needlepoint are two art forms where liners are often used. Although, the first liners were gilded panels, fabric-wrapped liners are quite common today. Most are neutral in tone, allowing the colors in the art to stand out. Liners come in various profile shapes and widths to create an ideal combination with the desired frame. We cans so close to the edge of the art that it would be covered with the lip of a standard frame. As most float frames are very simple profiles, another, more decorative, frame can be added around it to being out the personality of your art.
Mat Quality >>>>
Not all mats are created equally. Mats are made from 100% cotton rag or alpha-cellulose are the best choices. Standard paper mats are highly acidic. They can discolor, much like newspaper. The acid in paper mats also migrates out and can damage the art. We always advise the use of better quality mats, both to protect your art and to prolong the integrity of the frame designs you purchase from us.
Mat Colors >>>>
Mats are available in hundreds of colors, yet the neutral tones tend to be the best sellers. When you use neutral colors, the art generally stands out more. Neutral mat colors will also be easier to place into a new décor when you paint, buy new furniture, or move. However, if you want color, we have mats in all your favorite tones. We’re here to help you select the best color for your next framing project!
Mat Patterns/Textures >>>>
In addition to smooth-surfaced mat boards, we also offer a variety of textures, both in fabric and printed patterns. Fabrics, such as linen, silk or suede can add a sense of elegance and sophistication to your framed art. Some of our other patterns work well as accents to add just a touch of interest to your design.
Mat Border Widths >>>>
Did you know that mat border do more than add color around your art? The original intent of mats was twofold. First was to create a space so the glass wouldn’t come in contact with the art and second was to provide a field of visual relief that prevented the frame from crowing the art and to set the art apart from the rest of the room décor to easily focus on it without distraction. Those concepts are still important today, so keep them in mind. Generously proportioned mat borders will help you present your art, making it look its best.
Multiple Opening Mats >>>>
We are able to custom cut mats with multiple openings to accommodate two or more items in one frame. This is one way to get your family together without any arguments! It is also a great way to frame miscellaneous memorabilia from a vacation or a sporting event such as a Super Bowl or World Series. Another great idea is to place each of your child’s school photos, from every grade, into one frame.
Conservation Glass >>>>
As you know, glass protects art by preventing people from touching it. Did you know some glass also offers additional ultra-violet protection that filters out harmful light rays that can cause your art and the mats surrounding it to fade? Conservation grade glass comes in different finishes too. One almost looks like there isn’t any glass at all. You have to see it to believe it! Stop in today and learn more about all of the protective glass options available.
Reflective or Non-Glare? >>>>
Many people assume non-glare glass is better than clear glass because it costs more. The reason it costs more is simply because it goes through an extra process to make it non-glare. It may be the perfect choice for a soft focus bridal portrait or print with a muted color scheme, but when you have a diploma with fine lettering or a colorful graphic piece, you may prefer to use clear glass as it works to keep lines crisp and colors vibrant.
Preservation Mounting >>>>
When you ask us to frame something of value, be it monetary or sentimental, we recommend using conservation grade framing materials to help protect it. We offer a full range of mats, glass, and backings for this very purpose. It’s a shame to see a special piece deteriorate due to improper framing when it could have been prevented so easily. We take pride in doing the right thing and always want you to have the best framing suited to your project.
Coordinate with the Art >>>>
First and foremost, a great frame design should enhance the art it surrounds. We like to know about your room décor, not necessarily to match the framing to it, but to flatter the art in its setting. Since quality custom framing typically outlasts a sofa or carpet, we suggest classic, neutral designs that will easily transition into a new décor when you renovate or move. However, if you do want to match something specific, we will show you beautiful options that meet your needs.
A Bridge to the Décor >>>>
It is common for people to bring us art to frame that varies in style and color from the room where they want to display it. We will gladly suggest a frame design that can bridge the gap, serving as a transition between the art and the room. This is a much better solution than forcing the colors and styles of the room décor onto the art. By the time we are done, you will think the framed are was made just for that room!
Room Styles vs. Art Style >>>>
When art colors, subjects and tone blend too well with your room, it can get lost in the space. If you look at home decorating magazines, you often see modern art in rooms with classic antique furniture, creating a dramatic stand-out look. You can also infuse some vintage charm by displaying old French posters in a more contemporary setting. The important thing is to surround yourself with things you love. Mixing and matching styles is a great way to create dynamic rooms.
You Name It, We Frame It! >>>>
We have been known to frame some pretty unusual things! If you haven’t thought about it, framing isn’t just for pictures. You can bring in all kinds of treasures and we will transform them into one-of-a-kind works of art for your walls. Just consider the items you may already have that could easily be turned into art – grandma’s favorite tea cup, dad’s fishing items, that sand dollar you picked up at the beach or your first report card from school. It is fun to have those special keepsakes on display where you can see and enjoy them.
Frame a Memory >>>>
Some of the most special moments of our lives are over so quickly. Custom framing allows us to capture those times for you so you can enjoy them for years to come. Whether you have photos and mementos from special events, souvenirs from a trip, a golf score card from your best game ever, or a playbill form that show you finally went to, we can take your memories and turn them into beautiful artwork for your walls.New Paragraph
We will build a Shadowbox to hold your important collection.
We will create a creative custom mat to display your artwork.
We will restore or repair your photograph.
We will clean and refresh your oil painting.
We will replace your broken picture glass.
We will repair your broken wooden picture frame.
We will build you a Custom Mirror to enhance your home.